Dear Daughters of David Families,
There are going to be some changes made to our practices. Starting February 24, we shall begin meeting at an earlier time, from 5:30-7:30. We will continue to practice in the Midway cafeteria, though please be in prayer for a new practice place, as we have already outgrown our current one. We would need something in the same area, since Midway is the middle point for all the families. If you know of any place that might be available please contact me at my email or by phone 309-750-7835.
Also starting February 24 will be our Easter practices. Counting February 24 we have 9-10 practices (including dress rehearsal) before Good Friday and Easter. There is also a possibility that we might dance at La Villita’s sunrise service. Parents, I need to know for certain if your daughter can commit to performing at all or any of these services. Good Friday would be an evening service at Midway, Sunrise Service begins at 4:00am at New Life La Villita and Easter at Midway would be for all three services 9:30, 11:00 and 12:30am.
Another change in the schedule is the time for the Jr. Dancers practice. Due to the lack of space and time the practice will be divided between the two groups. Stage Dancers will warm up for the first half hour with Vidalia Garcia and Anna Heidekrueger while I teach the Jr. Dancers (girls who have not yet been baptized but who still desire to dance.) The Jr. Dancers will have exactly a half hour, for their practice to learn new steps and dances. I cannot extend the time, as this would cut into the Stage Dancers limited teaching time. It is up to you, as the parents to make sure that your children arrive on time if they are to practice. I am doing everything I can not to drop this group! One of my favorite verses is from Mark where Jesus told His disciples, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” –Mark 10:14b.
During the time we are practicing a dance anyone who wishes to join needs to wait until we have presented and have begun a new dance. This is to avoid confusion and move forward more quickly with the dance. When we begin a new dance the next girls will be allowed to join.
As I have already informed the Daughters of David, we shall be reading through a book called, A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart, written by Elizabeth George. The girls are not required to buy the book, (though if they do own a copy they are encouraged to bring it) but they must bring their Bibles to every class. If the Jr. Dancers become a distraction they may be separated from their friends, or if they do not stop after two warnings, may be taken out of dance for that day. Stage Dancers are required to be a good example, and are held to a higher standard than the Jr. Dancers. They are required to be examples, and role models to the Jr. Dancers and among themselves. While fun is encouraged, getting out of hand, interrupting of the teacher or being a distraction by getting up many times, or giggling etc. is not allowed and will be dealt with in a talk after the session, or possibly a call to the parents.
Thank you for everything that you give towards this ministry! May God bless you for your sacrifice and service for His name!
Forever and Always in Christ,
-Ms. Sarah
(Class Time Change as of February 24, 2011)
Dance begins promptly at 5:30pm
Stage Dancers stretch from 5:30-6:00
Jr. Dancers practice 5:30-6:00
Bible Study & Prayer 6:00-6:30
Stage Dancers practice 6:30-7:30pm
NOTE: The girls will be divided into groups for the Good Friday, Sunrise Service and Easter performances, and will be practicing at different times. The names for the groups and the songs being danced to will be posted shortly. There will be no Jr. Dance practice on the two last dress rehearsal nights.
*4/20 –Tentative extra rehearsal
2/24- Tambourines
3/3- Tambourines
3/10- Banners
3/17- Banners
3/24- Interpretive
3/31- Interpretive
4/7- Tambourine and Banners Dress Rehearsal
4/14- Interpretive and Banners Dress Rehearsal
*4/20- Extra Dress Rehearsal together
4/21- Final Dress Rehearsal together
(All practices will be in the Midway cafeteria unless announced differently)
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