While a ministry is certainly made up of a team (that is a number of persons associated in accomplishing the same task) just any team does not form a ministry. The key is the purpose for the team. What are we here for? Is it to build up the body of Christ? Can we be sure that it will do so from looking at Scripture? Our ministry key verse can tell you yes to both!
If you have been a part of a Daughters of David dance practice you will know that rarely a Thursday goes by that I do not tell my girls "We are not just a dance TEAM we are a dance MINISTRY." I do this because I want them to understand and live out that purpose.
I also see Daughters of David as a double ministry. We minister to others in our dances, but we also minister within the group by having a half an hour of Bible study each and every practice and prayer time. The girls know to bring their Bibles and their notebooks and to participate in the prayer. As a group we strive to build each other up so that we will be more effective outside of our small group in the church and ultimately in the world.
Daughters of David
let everything that has breath praise the LORD. praise the LORD!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
The Questions
What separates a Dance Ministry from a normal Dance Team?
My prayer as I begin this is that others would catch the vision that the Lord has given me for the dance ministries. That others would rise up from their congregations with the desire for the Lord's kingdom, His work, His glory, His victory. And with that being said we shall begin :)
What types of dances are "appropriate" for Sunday worship?
These are some questions that God has been bringing to my mind and prompting me to answer. I do not in any way claim to have all the answers in this area of the ministry of dance, and if anyone who reads these posts would like to share some deeper insight into these topics I am ready to listen and change if I am wrong.What exactly is the purpose of a Dance Ministry?
Where is the Dance Ministry's place in the church?
My prayer as I begin this is that others would catch the vision that the Lord has given me for the dance ministries. That others would rise up from their congregations with the desire for the Lord's kingdom, His work, His glory, His victory. And with that being said we shall begin :)
Monday, February 28, 2011
List and a Vid
Hey girls! Sorry that this took so long but I had lost my list which I had written on scraps of paper (not a good idea!) But finally, here we go, the lists for the dancers and locations.
Midway La Villita
Vidalia - tambourine Sarah - tambourine
Vivana - tambourine Elie - tambourine
Genesi - tambourine Priscilla - tambourine
Anna - banner Belen - banner
Andrea - banner Sarai - banner
Victoria - banner ? - banner
And here are the accountability lists:
Sarah - Victoria
Anna - Genesi - Natalia
Vidalia - Belen - Isabella
Andrea - Viviana - Adriana
Elie - Abby K.
Priscilla - Jenni - Amaranta
Saray - Annabelle - Abby A.
*email me for phone numbers and email addresses
How are all of you doing on your Bible reading so far? It has been a challenge for me these three days, but now I think I am beginning to settle into a regular routine of reading before I go to bed no matter how late it gets. I find that I am actually able to get to sleep faster and sleep more deeply after I read which I really shouldn't be surprised to find out, after all God does promise that he will will bless those who keep his commands. Thursday be prepared to share something that God has shown you or surprised you with, just one golden nugget for the week! Also, I haven't been able to print out a calender would one of you girls be willing to take on that responsibility? All you have to do is print a new calender for each week. You can make one with marker on a piece of paper because it only has to have the boxes and days of the week starting with Friday and going til next Thursday. If you have time then have fun with it and decorate it! Maybe one of our Jr. Dancers could take it on. Email me if one of you would like to do that. It's one less thing that I have to remember to do and bring :)
I would also like if starting March 16 if one of our Stage Dancers would like to try to teach a lesson every other week. Something that my old dance teacher always told us was that you are ALL leaders. Because you are a daughter of the King you are a Princess, born to lead others to your Father. Now, not all of us have the gift of teaching, and I'll understand if you are nervous about teaching to your friends, but I would like you to at least try once. We'll all support you! Once again email me if this sounds like something you'd like to do.
Last thing! Next week we will be starting our banner dance to the song in the video, I want EVERYONE to see this video. I was truly inspired by it! I know it is hard to see the entire dance because the camera keeps zooming in on the people's faces, but that's ok because I'm not showing you the clip so that you can copy the dance. I am showing you this clip because I want you to see the worship in the church, it is truly spectacular!
Blessings to you all! I will hopefully be posting an accountability know-how very soon! Until then may the Lord richly bless you and make his face shine upon you! May he make straight the paths you walk on and draw you ever closer to Him!
Forever and Always,
-Ms. Sarah
Midway La Villita
Vidalia - tambourine Sarah - tambourine
Vivana - tambourine Elie - tambourine
Genesi - tambourine Priscilla - tambourine
Anna - banner Belen - banner
Andrea - banner Sarai - banner
Victoria - banner ? - banner
And here are the accountability lists:
Sarah - Victoria
Anna - Genesi - Natalia
Vidalia - Belen - Isabella
Andrea - Viviana - Adriana
Elie - Abby K.
Priscilla - Jenni - Amaranta
Saray - Annabelle - Abby A.
*email me for phone numbers and email addresses
How are all of you doing on your Bible reading so far? It has been a challenge for me these three days, but now I think I am beginning to settle into a regular routine of reading before I go to bed no matter how late it gets. I find that I am actually able to get to sleep faster and sleep more deeply after I read which I really shouldn't be surprised to find out, after all God does promise that he will will bless those who keep his commands. Thursday be prepared to share something that God has shown you or surprised you with, just one golden nugget for the week! Also, I haven't been able to print out a calender would one of you girls be willing to take on that responsibility? All you have to do is print a new calender for each week. You can make one with marker on a piece of paper because it only has to have the boxes and days of the week starting with Friday and going til next Thursday. If you have time then have fun with it and decorate it! Maybe one of our Jr. Dancers could take it on. Email me if one of you would like to do that. It's one less thing that I have to remember to do and bring :)
I would also like if starting March 16 if one of our Stage Dancers would like to try to teach a lesson every other week. Something that my old dance teacher always told us was that you are ALL leaders. Because you are a daughter of the King you are a Princess, born to lead others to your Father. Now, not all of us have the gift of teaching, and I'll understand if you are nervous about teaching to your friends, but I would like you to at least try once. We'll all support you! Once again email me if this sounds like something you'd like to do.
Last thing! Next week we will be starting our banner dance to the song in the video, I want EVERYONE to see this video. I was truly inspired by it! I know it is hard to see the entire dance because the camera keeps zooming in on the people's faces, but that's ok because I'm not showing you the clip so that you can copy the dance. I am showing you this clip because I want you to see the worship in the church, it is truly spectacular!
Blessings to you all! I will hopefully be posting an accountability know-how very soon! Until then may the Lord richly bless you and make his face shine upon you! May he make straight the paths you walk on and draw you ever closer to Him!
Forever and Always,
-Ms. Sarah
Monday, February 14, 2011
Circle Dances
Hey all my Daughters of David!
I wanted to prepare you for this Thursday! It's going to be an especially fun and exciting time! We are going to be learning 3 different circle dances- EVERYONE! That's right this practice will include our Jr. Dancers! I am very excited about these dances which God has truly given me! Don't forget to bring your Bibles and notebooks! YOU WILL NEED THEM!!! Also bring water bottles so that we can use more of our time towards dancing, rather then water breaks :) Please take time to check out the songs I have attatched to this post! Look up the lyrics if you don't know them and try to learn them by Thursday if you can. Can't wait to see you girls!
I Am Free I Am A Friend Of God En La Casa De Dios
I wanted to prepare you for this Thursday! It's going to be an especially fun and exciting time! We are going to be learning 3 different circle dances- EVERYONE! That's right this practice will include our Jr. Dancers! I am very excited about these dances which God has truly given me! Don't forget to bring your Bibles and notebooks! YOU WILL NEED THEM!!! Also bring water bottles so that we can use more of our time towards dancing, rather then water breaks :) Please take time to check out the songs I have attatched to this post! Look up the lyrics if you don't know them and try to learn them by Thursday if you can. Can't wait to see you girls!
I Am Free I Am A Friend Of God En La Casa De Dios
Monday, February 7, 2011

I found these two Leotards at Dancewear Solutions for only $20! The one on the left is from Capezio, the one on the right is Balera. We'll be going with the Capezio style...can you guess why?
The Capezio style is longer on the leg hole, giving more support and preventing the dreaded wedgy while dancing ;) Dancewear Solutions

Daughters of David 2011 Note and Schedule
Dear Daughters of David Families,
There are going to be some changes made to our practices. Starting February 24, we shall begin meeting at an earlier time, from 5:30-7:30. We will continue to practice in the Midway cafeteria, though please be in prayer for a new practice place, as we have already outgrown our current one. We would need something in the same area, since Midway is the middle point for all the families. If you know of any place that might be available please contact me at my email daughtersofdavid@gmail.com or by phone 309-750-7835.
Also starting February 24 will be our Easter practices. Counting February 24 we have 9-10 practices (including dress rehearsal) before Good Friday and Easter. There is also a possibility that we might dance at La Villita’s sunrise service. Parents, I need to know for certain if your daughter can commit to performing at all or any of these services. Good Friday would be an evening service at Midway, Sunrise Service begins at 4:00am at New Life La Villita and Easter at Midway would be for all three services 9:30, 11:00 and 12:30am.
Another change in the schedule is the time for the Jr. Dancers practice. Due to the lack of space and time the practice will be divided between the two groups. Stage Dancers will warm up for the first half hour with Vidalia Garcia and Anna Heidekrueger while I teach the Jr. Dancers (girls who have not yet been baptized but who still desire to dance.) The Jr. Dancers will have exactly a half hour, for their practice to learn new steps and dances. I cannot extend the time, as this would cut into the Stage Dancers limited teaching time. It is up to you, as the parents to make sure that your children arrive on time if they are to practice. I am doing everything I can not to drop this group! One of my favorite verses is from Mark where Jesus told His disciples, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” –Mark 10:14b.
During the time we are practicing a dance anyone who wishes to join needs to wait until we have presented and have begun a new dance. This is to avoid confusion and move forward more quickly with the dance. When we begin a new dance the next girls will be allowed to join.
As I have already informed the Daughters of David, we shall be reading through a book called, A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart, written by Elizabeth George. The girls are not required to buy the book, (though if they do own a copy they are encouraged to bring it) but they must bring their Bibles to every class. If the Jr. Dancers become a distraction they may be separated from their friends, or if they do not stop after two warnings, may be taken out of dance for that day. Stage Dancers are required to be a good example, and are held to a higher standard than the Jr. Dancers. They are required to be examples, and role models to the Jr. Dancers and among themselves. While fun is encouraged, getting out of hand, interrupting of the teacher or being a distraction by getting up many times, or giggling etc. is not allowed and will be dealt with in a talk after the session, or possibly a call to the parents.
Thank you for everything that you give towards this ministry! May God bless you for your sacrifice and service for His name!
Forever and Always in Christ,
-Ms. Sarah
(Class Time Change as of February 24, 2011)
Dance begins promptly at 5:30pm
Stage Dancers stretch from 5:30-6:00
Jr. Dancers practice 5:30-6:00
Bible Study & Prayer 6:00-6:30
Stage Dancers practice 6:30-7:30pm
NOTE: The girls will be divided into groups for the Good Friday, Sunrise Service and Easter performances, and will be practicing at different times. The names for the groups and the songs being danced to will be posted shortly. There will be no Jr. Dance practice on the two last dress rehearsal nights.
*4/20 –Tentative extra rehearsal
2/24- Tambourines
3/3- Tambourines
3/10- Banners
3/17- Banners
3/24- Interpretive
3/31- Interpretive
4/7- Tambourine and Banners Dress Rehearsal
4/14- Interpretive and Banners Dress Rehearsal
*4/20- Extra Dress Rehearsal together
4/21- Final Dress Rehearsal together
(All practices will be in the Midway cafeteria unless announced differently)
There are going to be some changes made to our practices. Starting February 24, we shall begin meeting at an earlier time, from 5:30-7:30. We will continue to practice in the Midway cafeteria, though please be in prayer for a new practice place, as we have already outgrown our current one. We would need something in the same area, since Midway is the middle point for all the families. If you know of any place that might be available please contact me at my email daughtersofdavid@gmail.com or by phone 309-750-7835.
Also starting February 24 will be our Easter practices. Counting February 24 we have 9-10 practices (including dress rehearsal) before Good Friday and Easter. There is also a possibility that we might dance at La Villita’s sunrise service. Parents, I need to know for certain if your daughter can commit to performing at all or any of these services. Good Friday would be an evening service at Midway, Sunrise Service begins at 4:00am at New Life La Villita and Easter at Midway would be for all three services 9:30, 11:00 and 12:30am.
Another change in the schedule is the time for the Jr. Dancers practice. Due to the lack of space and time the practice will be divided between the two groups. Stage Dancers will warm up for the first half hour with Vidalia Garcia and Anna Heidekrueger while I teach the Jr. Dancers (girls who have not yet been baptized but who still desire to dance.) The Jr. Dancers will have exactly a half hour, for their practice to learn new steps and dances. I cannot extend the time, as this would cut into the Stage Dancers limited teaching time. It is up to you, as the parents to make sure that your children arrive on time if they are to practice. I am doing everything I can not to drop this group! One of my favorite verses is from Mark where Jesus told His disciples, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” –Mark 10:14b.
During the time we are practicing a dance anyone who wishes to join needs to wait until we have presented and have begun a new dance. This is to avoid confusion and move forward more quickly with the dance. When we begin a new dance the next girls will be allowed to join.
As I have already informed the Daughters of David, we shall be reading through a book called, A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart, written by Elizabeth George. The girls are not required to buy the book, (though if they do own a copy they are encouraged to bring it) but they must bring their Bibles to every class. If the Jr. Dancers become a distraction they may be separated from their friends, or if they do not stop after two warnings, may be taken out of dance for that day. Stage Dancers are required to be a good example, and are held to a higher standard than the Jr. Dancers. They are required to be examples, and role models to the Jr. Dancers and among themselves. While fun is encouraged, getting out of hand, interrupting of the teacher or being a distraction by getting up many times, or giggling etc. is not allowed and will be dealt with in a talk after the session, or possibly a call to the parents.
Thank you for everything that you give towards this ministry! May God bless you for your sacrifice and service for His name!
Forever and Always in Christ,
-Ms. Sarah
(Class Time Change as of February 24, 2011)
Dance begins promptly at 5:30pm
Stage Dancers stretch from 5:30-6:00
Jr. Dancers practice 5:30-6:00
Bible Study & Prayer 6:00-6:30
Stage Dancers practice 6:30-7:30pm
NOTE: The girls will be divided into groups for the Good Friday, Sunrise Service and Easter performances, and will be practicing at different times. The names for the groups and the songs being danced to will be posted shortly. There will be no Jr. Dance practice on the two last dress rehearsal nights.
*4/20 –Tentative extra rehearsal
2/24- Tambourines
3/3- Tambourines
3/10- Banners
3/17- Banners
3/24- Interpretive
3/31- Interpretive
4/7- Tambourine and Banners Dress Rehearsal
4/14- Interpretive and Banners Dress Rehearsal
*4/20- Extra Dress Rehearsal together
4/21- Final Dress Rehearsal together
(All practices will be in the Midway cafeteria unless announced differently)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Worthy is the Lamb
We are going to be dancing to this song on Good Friday
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