Hey girls! Sorry that this took so long but I had lost my list which I had written on scraps of paper (not a good idea!) But finally, here we go, the lists for the dancers and locations.
Midway La Villita
Vidalia - tambourine Sarah - tambourine
Vivana - tambourine Elie - tambourine
Genesi - tambourine Priscilla - tambourine
Anna - banner Belen - banner
Andrea - banner Sarai - banner
Victoria - banner ? - banner
And here are the accountability lists:
Sarah - Victoria
Anna - Genesi - Natalia
Vidalia - Belen - Isabella
Andrea - Viviana - Adriana
Elie - Abby K.
Priscilla - Jenni - Amaranta
Saray - Annabelle - Abby A.
*email me for phone numbers and email addresses
How are all of you doing on your Bible reading so far? It has been a challenge for me these three days, but now I think I am beginning to settle into a regular routine of reading before I go to bed no matter how late it gets. I find that I am actually able to get to sleep faster and sleep more deeply after I read which I really shouldn't be surprised to find out, after all God does promise that he will will bless those who keep his commands. Thursday be prepared to share something that God has shown you or surprised you with, just one golden nugget for the week! Also, I haven't been able to print out a calender would one of you girls be willing to take on that responsibility? All you have to do is print a new calender for each week. You can make one with marker on a piece of paper because it only has to have the boxes and days of the week starting with Friday and going til next Thursday. If you have time then have fun with it and decorate it! Maybe one of our Jr. Dancers could take it on. Email me if one of you would like to do that. It's one less thing that I have to remember to do and bring :)
I would also like if starting March 16 if one of our Stage Dancers would like to try to teach a lesson every other week. Something that my old dance teacher always told us was that you are ALL leaders. Because you are a daughter of the King you are a Princess, born to lead others to your Father. Now, not all of us have the gift of teaching, and I'll understand if you are nervous about teaching to your friends, but I would like you to at least try once. We'll all support you! Once again email me if this sounds like something you'd like to do.
Last thing! Next week we will be starting our banner dance to the song in the video, I want EVERYONE to see this video. I was truly inspired by it! I know it is hard to see the entire dance because the camera keeps zooming in on the people's faces, but that's ok because I'm not showing you the clip so that you can copy the dance. I am showing you this clip because I want you to see the worship in the church, it is truly spectacular!
Blessings to you all! I will hopefully be posting an accountability know-how very soon! Until then may the Lord richly bless you and make his face shine upon you! May he make straight the paths you walk on and draw you ever closer to Him!
Forever and Always,
-Ms. Sarah
I LOVE THE VIDEO!!!! It just makes you wanna jump up and start dancing for GOD!!!! I GOTTA SHOW THE FAMILY!!! lol ^_^
I'm so glad you liked it!
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